The City of San Ramon welcomes you to the Trash-Free San Ramon project.
One sip at a time.
San Ramon, among its many other efforts for sustainability, such as its grey water system, will take one more step forwards to reduce plastic from drink stores.
Single-Use Waste.
According to Our World in Data, we produce 380 million tonnes of plastic every year around the world. Plastic pollution has several detrimental consequences:
– animal ingestion, suffocation, starvation
– microplastic bioaccumulation
– poisons our food
– toxic chemicals leach from plastic
– destroys nature’s aesthetic and satisfaction
The list can go on.
But the most terrifying consequence is that plastic never goes away.
While we should still make efforts to recycle and incinerate our waste, it is time we start heading in a new and more sustainable direction: reduce waste in the first place.
If we stop producing plastic bottles, there won’t be disposable waste. On the other hand, recycling only encourages more plastic production to support the recycling industries. Same with incineration and sanitary landfills.
So, in short, the Trash Free San Ramon project aims to reduce plastic waste in the first place, so we don’t have to deal with its disposal and consequences.
Take a look at our Trash Free Youth Volunteer Page for more information on how to join!