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Flash News: The Most Important Environmental Stories of 2021

Illustrated by Chloe Lee.  All rights reserved.

Big Environmental Stories to Watch in 2021

Failed Green Recovery Post-Pandemic: Governments worldwide missed the opportunity to leverage pandemic recovery efforts to foster greener initiatives. Despite early promises, a minimal fraction of the $14.6 trillion global pandemic-recovery funding was allocated to sustainable projects.

Climate Awareness Increases: 2021 may be remembered as the year climate change solidified its presence in the American consciousness, driven by vivid examples of climate chaos such as wildfires, heatwaves, and floods.

All-electric Ford F-150 Launch: The introduction of Ford’s all-electric F-150 Lightning symbolizes a significant cultural shift towards sustainable transportation in a traditionally gas-guzzling market.

Legal Battles Over Fossil Fuels: Noteworthy legal victories against fossil fuel companies marked 2021, including a landmark Dutch ruling requiring Shell to significantly reduce its carbon emissions.

Deb Haaland’s Historic Role: Deb Haaland became the first Indigenous Secretary of the Interior, bringing renewed focus on environmental justice and stewardship of natural resources.

Continuing Biodiversity Crisis: The global extinction crisis persists, with insufficient action from world leaders to address the intertwined challenges of biodiversity loss and climate change.

Colorado River Water Allocations Cut: For the first time, federal managers announced reductions in Colorado River water allocations due to severe drought, signaling major future challenges for water availability in the Southwest.


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